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Custom vs. WordPress Sites for Small Businesses: What to Consider

In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of custom websites vs. Wordpress sites, so you can make an informed decision about which option is right for you.

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When you're starting a small business, one of the first decisions you'll need to make is whether to create a custom website or use Wordpress. Both have their pros and cons, and it can be difficult to decide which option is best for your business. In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of custom websites vs. Wordpress sites, so you can make an informed decision about which option is right for you.

For businesses that have been around for a while, this might be a no brainer. Wordpress has been the king of DIY Websites for almost 10 years now, but what changed to spark this question in the mind of many business owners?

Website Maintenance


One reason is that Wordpress has become more complex over the years. With so many themes and plugins to choose from, it can be difficult to find the right combination that meets your needs. And if something goes wrong with your site, you might not know how to fix it yourself.

Many end up having to rely on developers who specialise in wordpress, and although this might provide good results, one must begin to question why have it to begin with.

Custom Website

Tailored websites were a big "No, No" for small businesses who wanted to keep their content fresh and maintain the ability to add new content without being familiar with coding.

Over the years this has changed with the introduction of CMS, Content Management Systems. This can be set up by digital agencies to allow customers to continue adding content, without any problems without having to rely on anyone to change titles, add blog posts or fix typos.

Page Speed


With the introduction of more and more plugins, special themes and other tools appealing to DIY Small business owners, resulting in very heavy clunky websites. This can of course be improved, but without the right knowledge, this platform can hinder your brand's chance at success with Ranking on search engines such as Google.

Custom Website

The sky is the limit when it comes to custom website speed. All comes down to the knowledge of the digital agency in charge of the project. A well-coded custom website will be fast, secure and ranking ready.

When deciding on whether to choose a Wordpress site or go custom, always keep your location in mind. If you're targeting a local market like Sussex, then it's likely that a custom website coded for this region will outrank a Wordpress.

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Total Website Price


A website can usually work out cheaper at the cost of some time invested in both populating the website, picking themes, installing plugins and doing all the necessary work to get the website available to your customers.

This can work out as cheap as £15 per month on a yearly contract.

Custom Website

A custom coded website can be more expensive to have built, but the total cost is often spread out over a longer period of time which can make it more manageable.

You should expect to pay anywhere from £800 – £5000 for a custom coded website, although this could be lower end depending on your requirements.

This cost does cover indexing on search engines, creating the initial content for the page and creating your online presence/branding.

Although more expensive up-front, it can often result in a much higher conversion rate as well as a lot of time saved from the business owner. Which can usually be put at a premium depending on the stage of the business is currently.



Website security can be achieved with extra plugins and security measures but is not as comprehensive as that of a custom-coded website.

If you are running an eCommerce store or have any type of sensitive data on your website, it is important to consider the security implications of using Wordpress.

This is something taken into consideration with Search Engines as well, since wordpress websites are often hacked.

Custom Website

Usually built by people and agencies with experience in website security. Often built with a variety of technologies which means it's not as easy for hackers to find exploits from other websites.

It also can be improved much quicker as you do not need to wait for the wordpress team to make an update available for something that may only be affecting a small portion of their client base.


Wordpress & Custom websites both have pros and cons, it really depends on your specific needs and what you're looking for in a website. If you're not sure which is the best option for you, get in touch and we would be more than happy to help!

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